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Returning Student Registration

Registration for Returning Students

You can register your child one of two ways - through your parent portal account or by logging into Focus using your child's student ID number. To do that, see the step-by-step instructions below. 

Step 1: Log into Focus

Enter your child's student ID number for the username and the student's birth date (mmddyyyy) for the password.  For example, if your child's birth date is February 1, 2003 the password would be 02012003.  

Click the "Log In" button.  

Step 1

Step 2: Open the Registration Form

Step 2 - Open the Registration Form


Step 3: Complete the Registration Form

Follow the instructions within the registration form to complete the registration process.

Note: Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).  On each page, you will not be able to continue with the application until all the required fields are completed.  

Step 3 - Complete the Registration Form


Step 4: Confirm and Finish

When you have finished the registration form, you will receive a confirmation message. 

Step 4

 This means that your child's data was successfully saved, and you are finished.  You may now close the registration window.  

Registering Additional Students?

If you have more than one child attending an Little Elm ISD school, repeat steps 1 through 4 using a different student ID.  If you have issues with registration, contact your campus registrar:

Campus Registrars

Campus Name Phone Number Email
Brent Elementary                Karina Gatica 972.947.9451
Lakeview Elementary Chasidy Nelson 972.947.9454
Chavez Elementary Monica Matthews 972.947.9452     
Hackberry Elementary Elizabeth Haley 972.947.9453
Oak Point Elementary Christine Cook 972.947.9455
Prestwick Elementary Vanessa Jimenez-Coe      972.947.9450
Strike Middle School Talisa Pollard 972.947.9457
Walker Middle School Mindy Hernandez 972.947.9458
Little Elm High School Veronica Chavira 972.947.9443
Zellars Early Childhood Center Blanca Chhim 972-947-9445