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Communication Dashboard
District calendar, lunch menus, news, upcoming events, back-to-school resources
Event coverage, reminders, live updates, celebrations
Campus events, District events, holidays, grading cycles, parent meetings
Electronic flyers from the District, campuses, and community
Campuses, Lobo Stadium, upcoming events and reminders
Event coverage, reminders, live updates, celebrations
District and campus videos
Mass Notification
Emails, phone calls, and text messages from the District and campuses
SafeStop Mobile App
Expected bus stop arrival times, bus locator, alerts and messaging
My School Bucks
Manage lunch account funds, school store, fee payment portal
MealViewer App
Breakfast and lunch menus, nutritional information
Little Elm Athletics App
LEHS athletics sports scores, schedules, and rosters
Focus Mobile App
Student grades, attendance, etc.
Anonymous Alerts
Anonymously submit suspicious activity, bullying, or other student related issues to administration
Lobos Listen
Provide feedback, voice concerns, comments, ideas, and compliments
Report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, at any time,