How to Distribute an eFlyer
Our District cooperates with community groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar. As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.
To request flyer approval, follow the steps below. Once approved (please see approval criteria below), your flyer will be e-mailed to all parents at selected schools and posted online. Most paper flyers from outside organizations will not be distributed. Please note: Enrichment and community organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) are subject to Peachjar's service fee when a flyer is posted to promote an activity or event with a participation fee. Peachjar's service fee also applies to activities that are held without charge, but may entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services (e.g. a soccer league that offers free clinics).
- Visit
- Register as an Enrichment or Community Organization (account type).
- Non-profits should upload their 501-C-3 letter when registering or upload to their existing account in 'My Account Information'.
- Upload your flyer for approval.
Policies for Flyer Approval
Distribution of Non-School Materials (Policy FNAA Local or GKDA Local)
Information regarding the distribution of information by community groups to schools through students can be found in the LEISD Board Policy.
The communications department staff reviews and approves all eflyers. If you have questions regarding the approval or denial of the flyer, please contact 972.947.9340 ext. 10401 or by email at
PLEASE NOTE: It is the practice of Little Elm ISD to distribute all information to our parents and students in both English and Spanish. We ask that all partners who are making a request to distribute information do the same. Translation of the document is the responsibility of the requesting party.
Little Elm ISD Distribution of Non-School Literature Guidelines
According to Little Elm ISD policy GKDA (Local), only communication sponsored by the district or a district-affiliated/school-support organization shall be permitted for distribution and circulation on district premises. All communication material must be pre-approved by and distributed through Little Elm ISD’s Communications and Community Relations Office. This policy pertains to all forms of communication, including but not limited to: flyers; posters; handbills; photographs; pictures; yard signs; electronic marquees; coupons; films; tapes; other written materials; other printed materials; other visual materials; other auditory materials; and all social media platforms.