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Middle School & High School

Middle School and High School Credit by Examination with Prior Instruction

Students under certain circumstances may be able to take Credit by Exam for a course in which they have had prior instruction but did not receive credit. The principal or designee or the attendance committee, as applicable, shall have authority to offer a student the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in a subject or to earn course credit by examination when the student has had prior instruction in a subject and when: 

  • The student is enrolling in the District from a non-accredited school;
  • The student has failed a subject or course: or
  • The student has earned a passing grade in a subject or course but has failed to earn credit because of excessive absences.

Examinations shall assess the student’s mastery of the essential knowledge and skills and shall be administered according to established District procedures. 

Prior to offering a student an opportunity to demonstrate mastery or earn credit by this method, an appropriate District employee shall review the student’s educational records to determine whether the student has had prior instruction in the subject or course. 

Students who attended school in a foreign country which was taught in a language other than English may also qualify to test that language (French, Spanish, German) with prior instruction. Students are encouraged to review the course objectives provided on the university website

Students must demonstrate 70% or higher mastery on the exams. Application information is available through the campus counselor. 

***Due to changes in exams for acceleration, §74.24 of 19 TAC, an EOC assessed course must now be validated to meet more rigorous requirements. Since there is not currently an assessment that meets the new validation criteria instituted by The Texas Education Agency for an EOC assessed course, we cannot offer an exam for acceleration for EOC tested subjects at this time.


Middle School and High School Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction
Middle school and high school students who wish to earn credit for a course in which they have had no prior formal instruction may test through an exam for acceleration. Examinations for Grade 6-12 are criterion-referenced tests from Texas Tech University, University of Texas, or other testing instruments approved by the Superintendent or designee. Students must demonstrate 80% or higher mastery on the exam in order to earn credit.  Students are encouraged to review the course study guide on the university website. If a student fails to achieve the designated score for a subject before the beginning of the school year in which the student would ordinarily be required to enroll in that subject, the student must satisfactorily complete the course to receive credit. If a student takes an exam for acceleration for a high school credit course, the student must receive a score of 80% on each semester exam to receive credit for the course. A score less than 80% on the first semester exam will stop the process of acceleration. Students are encouraged to review the course study guide on the university website. If a student fails to achieve the designated score for a subject before the beginning of the school year in which the student would ordinarily be required to enroll in that subject, the student must satisfactorily complete the course to receive credit. Courses taken for high school credit will not be computed in class rank.

***Due to changes in exams for acceleration, §74.24 of 19 TAC, an EOC assessed course must now be validated to meet more rigorous requirements. Since there is not currently an assessment that meets the new validation criteria instituted by The Texas Education Agency for an EOC assessed course, we cannot offer an exam for acceleration for EOC tested subjects at this time.

The application deadlines as well as the test sessions are listed below. Parents should be aware that there are no exceptions available for students to test for acceleration and plan accordingly. There is no charge for testing. Students who register for an examination and do not take the examination will be assessed a fine equivalent to the cost of procuring the examination. Exam results will be mailed to the counselor after scoring is completed.

Students may not attempt to earn credit for a specific course and/or grade level more than two times.

Placement in a new grade will only occur at the start of a school year regardless of when an exam for acceleration is taken. 


Testing Windows & Deadlines

Application Opens Application Due By Testing Window
June 30, 2025 July 17, 2025

July 21 - August 8, 2025 (By Appt.)

Transfer window not for 1st semester 

October 6, 2025  October 17, 2025 

November 3 - 21, 2025  (By Appt.) 

2nd Semester Classes 

January 6, 2025  January 17, 2025

January 27 - February 7, 2025 (By Appt.)

Not available for 2nd semester classes 

April 1, 2025  May 9, 2025 

May 12 - June 16, 2025 (By Appt.) 

For 1st semester classes in August 2025


***Due to changes in exams for acceleration, §74.24 of 19 TAC, an EOC assessed course must now be validated to meet more rigorous requirements. Since there is not currently an assessment that meets the new validation criteria instituted by The Texas Education Agency for an EOC assessed course, we cannot offer an exam for acceleration for EOC tested subjects at this time.