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Immunization Information


Students must present a valid vaccine record with all required doses before enrolling in any public or private school. If the student is missing doses, he/she must obtain those before attending, per state law. Refer to the Provisional Enrollment Flowchart for students catching up, or without an immunization record.

2024-2025 Immunization Requirements


A state exemption affidavit should be on file for any student who:

  • is delaying vaccines so much so that he/she is not up-to-date with the requirements.
  • is avoiding all vaccines.
  • is avoiding some vaccines, but up-to-date on others.
  • is delaying some vaccines, but up-to-date on others

A note from the child's doctor does NOT meet the requirement for the above scenarios.

If a student with an exemption is transferring schools, the original affidavit should always be transferred with the student's records. The previous school may keep a copy for their own records, but cannot keep the original.

Texas Health and Human Services Immunization Exemption Information

Getting Vaccinated

A student's regular medical home is the best option for getting vaccinated. You may also visit quick-care clinics and pharmacies, but some may only vaccinate adolescents.

If a student has no medical home, and meets at least one eligibility requirement below, he/she may be vaccinated at Denton County Public Health clinics.

  • Enrolled in Medicaid for CHIP
  • Is uninsured
  • Is an American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Has private health insurance but coverage does not include vaccines

Visit for hours, locations, and what to bring.

Note: all children must present a complete record to be vaccinated at Denton County Public Health clinics.