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Campus Visitors

We are proud of our schools and welcome visitors. In order to protect the security of our students and staff and the learning environment at our schools, visitors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • All visitors to campuses must report to the school office, present government-issued photo ID, sign in, state reason for being on campus and obtain approval from the principal or designee.
  • All visitors to school campuses shall wear a visitor name badge provided by the school office.
  • Media representatives shall arrange visits to school campuses with the District's Communications Department at the central Administration Building.
  • Visitors are must wear appropriate attire when visiting District schools.
  • A request for a parent and/or others to visit a classroom must be approved by the teacher and the principal. Approval shall be subject to the classroom activities scheduled for the day of the requested visit and must be conducted in accordance with District policies.
  • Due to privacy issues, videotaping in the classroom by parents is not permitted. Exceptions shall be granted only by the superintendent or designee.
  • Visitors who fail to comply with any of these guidelines and/or District policies may be prohibited from visiting the school and other District Facilities.

Raptor Visitor Check In

What is the Raptor system?
Raptor is a visitor tracking system that will enhance our school security. The system reads visitor drivers licenses (or other government-issued photo IDs), compares information to a sex offender database, alerts campus administrators if a match is found, then (assuming no match was made) prints a visitor badge that includes a photo of the visitor.

How does it work?
Drivers license information is compared to a database that consists of registered sex offenders from 49 states. If a match is found, the operator of the program (school employee) will get an alert of a possible match so that campus administrators and law enforcement personnel can take steps to keep the campus safe.

Why is Little Elm ISD using this system?
Safety of students is the districts highest priority. Raptor will provide a consistent system to track visitors and volunteers while keeping away people who present a danger to students and staff.

What information is taken from drivers licenses?
Raptor is only scanning the visitors name, date of birth and photo for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Additional visitor data will not be gathered and no data will be shared with any outside company or organization.

Should Little Elm ISD scan every visitor into the system?
Yes. The Raptor system is designed to track visitors. In case of an emergency, visitors can be viewed in a queue if they are still on campus. If necessary in an emergency, this will help identify who is inside the building.

Does Little Elm ISD have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering the campus?
Yes. Schools need to know who is on the campuses and why they are there. We also need to be able to confirm that an individual has the authority to have access to the student (early pick up, for example). For full legal details, refer to Senate Bill 9 .

What if the person refuses to show identification?
A campus administrator can meet with the individual and explain the process to them.

Do registered sexual offenders have a right to enter schools?
If a sexual offender has a legitimate reason to be on campus (e.g., visiting a legal dependent), and a court order does not prevent them from visiting the child and/or the school, then yes, the law permits them to enter a school. However, such individuals will only be given limited access. Little Elm ISD cannot deny access to an individuals own child. Schools can, however, deny access to other students.


Within our schools we have Volunteers and Visitors. A Visitor is a person that is allowed to attend campus functions and/or lunch with their child. You would not need to complete a Volunteer form for these functions, merely check-in with your driver’s license in the front office of your child’s school.

Volunteers are given an assignment or task dealing directly with children other than their own while on campus or school sponsored trips. Volunteers must complete this form and have an annual background check completed by the District on file. Please proceed with this application if you wish to volunteer at your child’s school. 

Our students benefit from the many volunteer hours that our parents and community members invest in our schools. For the safety of our students, we require all volunteers to complete a volunteer application and we run a name-based, state-wide criminal history record check on all applicants. The background check must be completed and approved before volunteering. Parent/guardian volunteers will be also be processed through the District’s Raptor visitor system, which scans your driver's license each time you come to campus. All volunteers are required to reapply each year.