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Standard Response Procedures

Standard Response

Little Elm ISD has established a district emergency operations plan (EOP) to mitigate a wide range of natural and human-made threats through awareness, preparedness and collaboration.

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Our Commitment

Every emergency or crisis is different, but parents can be assured that their child's safety and well-being is of utmost importance to us. We work in collaboration with our police departments and local first responders to ensure that in the event of an emergency we are prepared to execute our plan.

Emergency training and response plans are in place to make sure that students and staff know what to do in a crisis. Periodic practice drills are also given to ensure students and staff are prepared for an emergency.

In the Event of an Emergency

During emergency situations, it is imperative that parents wait for guidance provided by Little Elm ISD as student safety is at the forefront of our decision-making during any critical event. If an emergency occurs while school is in session, LEISD will take specific action to properly communicate with its stakeholders and keep our students and staff safe. This includes keeping you informed every step of the way through school messaging systems, our website, social media and local media outlets.

In addition to our EOP, the district also utilizes the Standard Response Protocol (SRP), created by the Colorado-based I Love You Guys Foundation, to simplify the district’s emergency response procedures. We believe this protocol helps foster a safe learning and working environment for all students and staff.

The following five actions are used to respond to an emergency situation:​​​​​​​

Please note, for privacy reasons and to protect against those who would do harm, we do not release specific information on our emergency plan. However, parents should be aware that during crisis situations only emergency personnel will be allowed to enter a campus, so parents are advised to not come to the school during an emergency event.