Student Login Information
Student Email Addresses
All LEISD students' email addresses are setup as:
To login to a LEISD Chromebook or the LEISD Login Portal (ClassLink):
Students will enter just their Username (the first part of their email address). This should be their student ID number.
Who can my students email?
- Elementary (PreK-5): Students do not have the ability to send or receive email from their LEISD accounts
- Grades (6-9): Students can email LEISD teachers and staff only. May receive emails from some approved outside websites.
- Grades (10-12): Students can send and receive email from any source.
Student Passwords
Proper case "security word" (provided by teacher) + a period (.) + MMDD of birthday
- Example — If student Jane Smith has a security word of 'Mom' and a birthday of February 1st, then her initial password would be: "Mom.0201"
- Includes a three letter "word" from an extensive pre-approved word list. The randomized "word" will add more security to elementary student accounts.
- Elementary parents can find their student's password in Focus: Click "Child Info" under your student's photo and select the "District Systems" tab.
lowercase first and last initials + a dash (-) + MMDDYY of birthday
- Example — If student Jane Smith has a birthday of February 1st, 2005, then her initial password would be: js-020105
- Students can change their passwords
- All secondary students' are required to change their password upon first login to ClassLink to further secure their account.
- When signing into ClassLink for the first time, it will require SECONDARY students to set up a recovery mechanism in case of a forgotten password.
- Additionally, students are able to set up Multi-Factor Authentication for ClassLink to further secure accounts through a simple image selection process.